
Showing posts from September, 2012

Instant sleep on MacBook - no sleepimage

Apple really cares about the content of my Macbook RAM. But I don't - I'd prefer to have that extra 2-3 minutes back when closing the lid. The good news : You can customize the sleep mode on your Macbook so it does not save the content of your memory to the disk before sleeping. When you put a Macbook into sleep, by default, it will page out your memory to the disk (/var/vm/sleepimage) - in case the battery gets depleted you still have your work saved. This is called hibernatemode 3 :  hibernatemode = 3 (binary 0011) by default on supported portables. The system will store a copy of mem ory to persistent storage (the disk), and will power memory during sleep. The system will wake from  memory, unless a power loss forces it to restore from disk image. The issue is that if you have a lot of memory (8-16Gb), it takes a good while to swap it out and isn't particularly useful for storing on a small SSD drive or in fact extending the life of the drive itself. To tur...

Frustation guaranteed - be a newbie Java web developer

Whenever I want to face ultimate frustration, I know where to go: give a new Java web framework a try. Generally, I love technology, different programming languages, tools and ideas. I think Java is a great platform and language, although it’s lagging behind the rest of the world by almost a decade now - lambda expressions , please? Python has it since 1994 . Yes, that’s before Internet Explorer 1.0. How can anyone blame IE6 (2001) when it is a super modern technology compared to the core of the Java language? Anyhow, the Java language is fine - unlike the open source frameworks built on top of it. It does not matter which one you choose, endless frustration and failure is guaranteed. Let’s pick the most popular one, Spring MVC. Where should we begin? Download Eclipse, install STS ( Spring Tool Suite ) from the marketplace and then… what? Ah, you have to find a web server for yourself, let’s say Tomcat. Unzip somewhere, configure with Eclipse somehow. Now what? Follow the...

Installing SSH, VNC and SFTP on the MK802, the Android PC on a stick

There are some deals you just cannot ignore: a full Android system for $50? The RikoMagic MK802 sounded too good. The processor is fairly good (1GHz), got plenty of RAM (1Gb), comes with 2 USB ports (for mouse and keyboard) and a HDMI output. Plays YouTube and HD videos fairly well and for mail/rss it's more than enough. To remotely access it, I needed to have the basic tools installed, like SSH, VNC and SFTP. These tools exists for Android but most of them are buggy or slow or both. I wanted to collect all the tools and settings I used as it took several hours to set up everything perfectly. SSH This should be an easy part, but in fact, it’s trickier than I thought. I tried different SSH servers from the Google Play store, and this is what I’ve found: Name SSH SFTP Comments DropBear OK (no coloring) If you obtain an SFTP binary and place it into /usr/libexec , it will work. Generally it’s an ol...

If Parallels does not start (Make sure that the prl_disp_service is active)

If you want to start Parallels and you get the following error message: "Unable to connect to Parallels Service. Make sure that the prl_disp_service process is active and it is not blocked by Firewall. For details, please refer to If the problem persists, contact the Parallels support team for assistance." no need to worry. All you need to do is open Terminal , stop and restart Parallels: sudo launchctl stop com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon Then restart it: sudo launchctl start com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon If you run the following command now: sudo launchctl list | grep com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon The output should be something like this: 94248 - com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon Try again, should be okay now.