Beating the binary search algorithm – interpolation search, galloping search

Binary search is one of the simplest yet most efficient algorithms out there for looking up data in sorted arrays. The question is, can it be beaten by more sophisticated methods? Let’s have a look at the alternatives. In some cases hashing the whole dataset is not feasible or the search needs to find the location as well as the data itself. In these cases the O(1) runtime cannot be achieved with hash tables, but O(log(n)) worst case runtime is generally available on sorted arrays with different divide and conquer approaches. Before jumping to conclusions, it is worth to note that there are a lot of ways to “beat” an algorithm: required space, required runtime, and required accesses to the underlying data structure can be different priorities. For the following runtime and comparison tests different random arrays between 10,000 and 81,920,000 items were created with 4 byte integer elements. The keys were evenly distributed with an average increment of 5 between them. Binary se...