
Showing posts from March, 2021

Triggering an Alexa routine from the command line or an Arduino compatible device (ESP32)

By creating an auto-resetting virtual sensor on, Alexa can execute a routine when the virtual sensor's state is triggered via a REST call to Steps to follow Creating a virtual, auto-resetting sensor on Register an account with Go to My device handlers Create a new device handler  Switch to "From code" and paste in the auto-resetting sensor code from here. Go to My Locations and add a new location (e.g., "Living Room") Go to My Devices and add a new device Name, Label, Zigbee Id, Device Network Id = MyVirtualButton Type = Simulated Alexa Button (probably the last item in the dropdown) Location = Living Room (or whatever you created) Hub, Group = (e...

NumPy / Sklearn performance comparison - macOS, Ubuntu, Windows 10 - use Anaconda

One of the advantages to use a Hackintosh is that you can try the same software on the same hardware across three operating systems: how does NumPy - and therefore Sklearn - perform across different operating systems and mathematics libraries? I created a simple Sklearn routine , which utilises a single thread for its calculations. Results Hardware Os Python Math library Comment Time (s) Macbook Air m1 MacOS Big Sur 3.9.1 CBLAS/LAPACK Anaconda install 22 Intel 9600k Ubuntu 20.04 3.8.5 OpenBLAS standard apt and pip install 27 Intel 9600k Ubuntu 20.04 3.9.0 OpenBLAS standard apt and pip install 27 Intel 9600k MacOS Catalina 3.8.5 MKL Hackintosh with Clover, Anaconda install 28 Intel 9600k Windows 10 3.8.5 MKL Anaconda install 28 Intel 9600k MacOS Big Sur 3.9.1 OpenBLAS Hac...