Git cheat sheet - the most useful commands
After a little practise, Git can be fully utilised from the command line without any GUI. Adding, committing, pulling, and pushing is part of the daily work; however, there are other commands that are useful but not that frequently used. Here is my collection of those:
# Create and checkout new branch based on the current branch
git checkout -b <newBranch>
# Undo all local pending changes
git reset --hard HEAD
# Erase the last 3 commits
git reset --hard HEAD~3
# Undo a single file change
git checkout -- <fileName>
# Push new branch to server
git push origin <branchName>
# Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <branchName>
# List all local and remote branches
git branch -a
# Remove remotely deleted branches - will not delete local branches, only copies of remotes
git remote prune origin
# Pull remote master branch and merge it into current branch
git pull origin master
# Undo last commit but keep changes unstaged
git reset HEAD~1
# Rename current branch
git branch -m <newname>
# Save changes temporarily - branch independent
git stash
# List temporary saves
git stash list
# Apply temporarily saved changes
git stash apply
# Delete temporary saves
git stash drop
# Delete untracked files and directories (-n to just test)
git clean -fd
# Resolve conflict by accepting their changes
git checkout --theirs <file>
# Interactive stage / unstage
git add -i
# Compare branch to another branch
git diff <otherBranch>
#display all changes with additions/deletions between two branches
git diff --stat master..<otherBranch>
# Create and checkout new branch based on the current branch
git checkout -b <newBranch>
# Undo all local pending changes
git reset --hard HEAD
# Erase the last 3 commits
git reset --hard HEAD~3
# Undo a single file change
git checkout -- <fileName>
# Push new branch to server
git push origin <branchName>
# Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <branchName>
# List all local and remote branches
git branch -a
# Remove remotely deleted branches - will not delete local branches, only copies of remotes
git remote prune origin
# Pull remote master branch and merge it into current branch
git pull origin master
# Undo last commit but keep changes unstaged
git reset HEAD~1
# Rename current branch
git branch -m <newname>
# Save changes temporarily - branch independent
git stash
# List temporary saves
git stash list
# Apply temporarily saved changes
git stash apply
# Delete temporary saves
git stash drop
# Delete untracked files and directories (-n to just test)
git clean -fd
# Resolve conflict by accepting their changes
git checkout --theirs <file>
# Interactive stage / unstage
git add -i
# Compare branch to another branch
git diff <otherBranch>
#display all changes with additions/deletions between two branches
git diff --stat master..<otherBranch>
#display the active branches
git branch -va --sort=committerdate
git branch -va --sort=committerdate
#display the active branches - fancy colours and author info
git branch -r --sort=committerdate --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))'
# Working with github forks
# If you want to keep working on your work, you need to hard-reset it to the owner's changes
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git stash # In case you have local changes, you *must* stash them
git reset --hard upstream/master
git push origin master --force
git stash apply # If you had local changes before update
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