How to deploy an app to iTunes Store - for iPhone and iPad

- Create your app in iTunes Connect, add description and images. Status should be Waiting for Upload.
- Create a new Provisioning Profile for Distribution, download and import into iTunes (just click it)
/note: you already had to have a provisioning profile for development but now you need an another one for publishing the app./ - In Xcode project settings (Target, Build Settings), search for "code signing" and set the all signing to your new profile, the distribution profile.
/note: an app that is signed for distribution cannot be run on emulator and vice versa./ - Chose Product/Archive, which will build your app distribution package
- Open Organizer (Window/Organizer), and click Validate on your app - if it complains about something (like missing store images), fix them.
- If validation is successful, click Distribute which will upload the app to the store. After this, status should be Waiting for Review (which can take 6-10 days + fixing).
That's it!
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